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A ray of light in a dark place

Migrant workers in Thailand come with the hope of finding a living wage and a better way of life. Their children often live as second class citizens, without the money or legal rights to an education.


Poorly educated and discriminated against, they are often exploited and live with the constant fear of arrest and deportation. The unfortunate result is that many migrant children work as child labourers in low-skilled and low-paying jobs, or worse.


Your support helps us to provide an alternative to these hard-working people and their children. Our migrant education program offers a learning center that is equipped to provide full-day schooling for 75 Burmese migrant children living in the Kuraburi district of Phang Nga Province in Southern Thailand.


Check out our student profiles and a recent video update.


Students take lessons from full-time teachers and visiting volunteers which provides them with hope for a better future. We are changing parents’ perspectives by proving that education makes a difference for a better future.


Partners of the Andaman Center for Migrant Education
Student profiles

Student profiles

7 years old
2nd Grade


Each day, Ao Sa Lay walks over 5km on a dirt lane with his father to meet the school bus. 


His favourite activities are learning Burmese and playing on the swings.  His parents are from the Karin tribe in Myanmar, and fled ethnic violence to find work in Thailand.


They appreciate that the school provides health checkups and help for parents about migrant rights.

ao so lay

Student 3.jpg
9 years old

In past years, Su Su Kai has stayed out of school in order to care for her 3-year-old sister while her parents work.


Starting this semester, Su Su will bring her sister to our daycare center so both of them can attend school.


Su Su is between grades,and catching up to her peers quickly, and will likely be in 4th grade next year.

She wants to be a teacher. 


7 years old
2nd Grade

Ei Tay Way is looking forward to the start of the semester because when she is at school she is full of happiness.


Her parents were hesitant to let her attend school last year, but now they are supportive of her education. When Ei grows up she wants to be a nurse to help people who are sick.


When the center is closed, she taps rubber trees in the middle of the night with her cousin Samee. She also enjoys singing with her cousin.



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